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Orion Polymer CMX membrane technology features


Orion Polymer CMX membrane is a high IEC (ion exchange capacity) anion exchange polymer (AEM) with the most durable structure in the field of anion exchange. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the United States recorded in an independent membrane blind study that Orion products outperformed all 50+AEM polymers in terms of performance.

Many industrial laboratories have compared and downregulated the use of ONLY Orion CMX membranes.

Application: Hydrogen electrolysis cell, fuel cell, carbon dioxide reduction, research and prototype design of liquid flow battery. Provided in the form of Br counter ions. Immediately convert to - OH before use.

Durability/Stability: Orion Polymers has been proven to be the most durable 1000 hours in KOH at 80 ° C, and is the only product among the 50+products tested by NREL that has almost no degradation. Orion AMX was surpassed by our current third-generation product Orion CMX on May 2022.

High ion exchange capacity, IEC: Orion CMX has chemical stability, thermal stability, and mechanical stability. The anion exchange capacity is more than twice that of Nafion cation ex:

Orion CMX: Ion exchange capacity (IEC)=2.2 Mequiv/ G (OH - form) anion

Nafion: Ion exchange capacity (IEC)=0.92 Mequiv/ G (H+form) * cation

Orion CMX self-supporting membrane: We will soon launch a drum that is 45cm wide x 25m long.

Size: 20cm x 20cm, A4, or any length of 24cm wide x 25 meters per roll.

IEC: 2.2meq/g IEC (titration method)

Thickness:~35-40um thick. This thickness has been proven to be the optimal thickness for electrolytic cells and fuel cells.

High conductivity: (80 ° C) 144 mS/cm (statistical: n=15, R2R/25m long, 2023)

Mechanical properties: (50 ° C/50% RH) average tensile strength=46mPa, elongation at break=248% (statistical: n=15 R2R/25m long, 2023)

Orion CMX can stop and start without losing performance. Among the 200 tests conducted in an industrial laboratory, no other AEM had this feature.

Characteristic: Compared with IEC, the conductivity is the highest (30-35mS/cm,~2mmol cation/g).

After durability testing at 80 ° C/1000h, there was almost no degradation:

No conductivity loss (AMX), conductivity loss less than 5.80% at 0 ° C KOH (Orion CMX)

No IEC loss, IEC loss less than 80.1000% at 0 ° C 5+h; Latest test: 1400 hours, Nel.

Maintain the same physical appearance after 80 hours in KOH at 1000 ° C

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